Kingdom Hearts PlayStation Network Trophies
These trophies can be obtained while playing Kingdom Hearts Final Mix from the I.5 version and I.5 + II.5 compilation, on PlayStation 3 and 4.
KINGDOM HEARTS MasterObtain all trophies.
Proud PlayerClear Final Mix on Proud.
Final Mix MasterClear game on Final Mix or a higher difficulty level.
Novice PlayerClear game on Final Mix: Beginner or a higher difficulty level.
Unchanging ArmorClear the game without changing equipment.
UndefeatedClear the game without using a continue.
SpeedsterDefeat the World of Chaos in the End of the World within 15 hours.
He Who Doesn't ExistDefeat the Mysterious Man in Hollow Bastion.
The Cloaked ShadowDefeat the Phantom at the Clock Tower.
The Sandy BladeDefeat Kurt Zisa in Agrabah.
Novice HeroWin the Phil Cup.
Artisan HeroWin the Pegasus Cup.
Hero of the ColiseumWin the Hercules Cup.
Coliseum ChampionWin the Hades Cup.
The Frosty GiantDefeat the Ice Titan in the Gold Match at Olympus Coliseum.
One-Winged AngelDefeat Sephiroth in the Platinum Match at Olympus Coliseum.
Supreme SoloistComplete any solo challenge.
Time AttackerComplete any time trial challenge.
Level MasterGet Sora to Level 100.
Treasure HunterOpen 100 treasure chests.
From Rags to RichesObtain over 10,000 Munny.
Heartless HunterDefeat over 2,000 Heartless.
Where the Bells TollSeal the keyhole in Traverse Town.
The Rabbit HoleSeal the keyhole in Wonderland.
Junior HeroSeal the keyhole in Olympus Coliseum.
Member of the TribeSeal the keyhole in Deep Jungle.
Magic LampSeal the keyhole in Agrabah.
Honest SoulEscape from Monstro.
Master of the SeasSeal the keyhole in Atlantica.
Pumpkin PrinceSeal the keyhole in Halloween Town.
Pixie DustSeal the keyhole in NeverLand.
End of the WorldSeal the keyhole in Hollow Bastion.
Pooh's FriendSeal the keyhole in 100 Acre Wood.
Record KeeperCollect all Jiminy's Journal entries.
StorytellerCollect all Story entries in Jiminy's Journal.
SearcherCollect all Ansem Reports in Jiminy's Journal.
ProfessorCollect all Character entries in Jiminy's Journal.
Top DogCollect all 101 Dalmatian entries in Jiminy's Journal.
Best FriendCollect all Trinity List entries in Jiminy's Journal.
Mini-game ManiacCollect all Mini-game entries in Jiminy's Journal.
Synthesis MasterSynthesize all items.
First SynthesisSynthesize an item for the first time.
Synthesis NoviceSynthesize 3 types of items.
Synthesis AmateurSynthesize 15 types of items.
Synthesis VetSynthesize 30 types of items.
Gummi Ship CollectorObtain 30 or more gummi ship blueprints.
Flying AceShoot down over 2,500 enemies with your gummi ship.
CustomizerModify a gummi ship and update the data.
Top GunClear all gummi ship routes.
Test PilotClear gummi ship mission 1.
Veteran PilotClear gummi ship mission 2.
Ace PilotClear gummi ship mission 3.
OathkeeperObtain the Oathkeeper Keyblade.
Blade MasterObtain all Keyblades.
Master MagicianObtain all staves.
Master DefenderObtain all shields.