Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep - A Fragmentary Passage - PlayStation Network Trophies
Wandering in the DarkBegin a journey to escape the Dark World.
Flow of TimeComplete the Castle Town episode.
False TemptationsComplete the World Within episode.
Real or Illusion?Complete the Forest of Thorns episode.
Into the Depths of DarknessComplete KINGDOM HEARTS 0.2 Birth by Sleep - A fragmentary passage -.
Treasure HunterOpen all treasure chests in the Dark World.
AmbitiousComplete all objectives.
UndefeatedComplete the story without having to Retry or Continue.
Heartless HunterDefeat 500 Heartless.
Ice QueenExecute Spellweaver's Finish command 5 times.
Proud Player/Critical CompetitorComplete the game in Proud or Critical Mode.
A Magical FinaleExecute all Magic Situation Commands.
Shotlock StarEarn an Excellent rating in Shotlock.
Dark ExplorerWalk a long distance within a single map.
FashionistaEquip an item in all wardrobe slots.