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Kingdom Hearts 3D Dream Drop Distance
Reports: Trophies
In the Clear
Proof you have finished the story.
Badge of Pride
Proof you have finished the story in Proud or Critical Mode.
Stop Drop Roller
Proof you have racked up 2,000 Drop Points.
King of Rush
Proof you have taken first place in every Flick Rush cup.
Proof you have taken out 2,500 Dream Eaters.
In the Munny
Proof you have amassed 5,000 munny.
Dream Pleaser
Proof that you have maxed out every Spirit's Affinity Level.
Portal Champ
Proof you have completed every Special Portal and Secret Portal.
Daring Diver
Proof you have scored more than 7,500,000 points in Dive Mode.
Motion Slickness
Proof you have defeated 1,000 enemies while in Flowmotion.
Treasure Seeker
Proof you have found every last treasure.
Spirit Guide
Proof you have obtained at least one of every Spirit.
Critical Praise
Proof you have finished the story in Critical Mode.
Reality Shifter
Proof you have defeated 50 enemies using Reality Shift.
Pro Linker
Proof you have linked with your Spirits at least 50 times.
Stat Builder
Proof you have maxed out every stat-boosting ability.
Ribbit Reaper
Proof you have defeated Lord Kyroo.
Keyblade Conqueror
Proof you have obtained every Keyblade.