Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep PlayStation Network Trophies
Birth by Sleep MasterObtain all trophies.
Critical CompetitorClear game on Critical.
The Lost ChapterComplete the secret episode.
The VesselClear Terra's story mode.
The DormantClear Ventus's story mode.
The SeekerClear Aqua's story mode.
Connected HeartsComplete the final episode.
A Mere ShellDefeat the Vanitas Remnant.
Time's TellerDefeat the Unknown.
Darkness's WillDefeat No Heart.
Light's WillDefeat Armor of Eraqus.
Savage SlayerComplete all Unversed battle missions with the highest rank.
ProfilerCollect all Secret Reports.
CollectorCollect all stickers.
The Adventurer: TerraComplete Reports with Terra.
The Adventurer: VentusComplete Reports with Ventus.
The Adventurer: AquaComplete Reports with Aqua.
Perfect ShotUse Shotlock 50 times.
Justice & DarkUse the Pete D-Link 10 times.
D.J.Use the Rhythm Mixer Command Style 20 times.
The Warrior: TerraLearn all of Terra's Finish Commands.
The Warrior: VentusLearn all of Ventus's Finish Commands.
The Warrior: AquaLearn all of Aqua's Finish Commands.
MuscleheadUnleash Break Time with Terra.
B-BoyUnleash Break Time with Ventus.
MajoretteUnleash Break Time with Aqua.
PâtissierCreate all flavors of ice cream.
Command Board ConquerorWin each playable Command Board.
MaestroObtain a Fantastic rating for each song in Ice Cream Beat Master Mode.
Rapid RacerFinish first in all Rumble Racing courses.
FantasistaBeat all opponents in Fruitball.
The Journey BeginsClear the prologue, "The Land of Departure."
Pursuit of TruthClear the Mysterious Tower episode of Terra's story.
Defying DarknessClear the Disney Town episode of Terra's story.
Entrusting PowerClear the Destiny Islands episode of Terra's story.
EncountersClear the Badlands episode of Ventus's story.
A Moment of RestClear the Disney Town episode of Ventus's story.
A Friend in NeedClear the Mysterious Tower episode of Ventus's story.
Drifting ApartClear the Radiant Garden episode of Aqua's story.
Hopeful HeartsClear the Destiny Islands episode of Aqua's story.
Pawn of the ArenaComplete all one-star missions in the Mirage Arena.
Knight of the ArenaComplete all two-star missions in the Mirage Arena.
Queen of the ArenaComplete all three-star missions in the Mirage Arena.
King of the ArenaComplete all four-star missions in the Mirage Arena.
Keepers of the ArenaWin the Keepers of the Arena battle in the Mirage Arena.
Villains' VendettaWin the Villains' Vendetta battle in the Mirage Arena.